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Here I will post powerful videos/blogs that have shifted and upgraded my mental operating system as well as share some of my own perspectives that might serve you. The way we think is imperative to success. So I wanted to share resources to help empower you with the growth mindset(affiliate link to carol decks book). If you don’t know what that is, I highly recommend one of the most influential books on the subject, by  Carol Dwecks book called Mindset(affiliate link).

Even though we don’t all find time to read as  often as we might like, I challenge you to start listening to the books on your way to get your haircut and on the way home. Before you know it, by the end of the year you will have finished some powerful books that just may Transform your life. So if you have a longer drive to the barbershop, great, you can knock out some more learning and even review what you have learned with me. Your success is my prerogative. Stay tuned for more content.

Get Started


If you are booking with us, its because you share our values and/or you realize that just like great marketing, the way we look can get us opportunities but our product or character is what will keep them. In some cases great character/product can even make someone overlook presentation. But rarely does great presentation make someone ignore terrible product or character (not for long at least). Whether it be a job interview, a relationship or even in business. To us, making you look good on the outside is important but helping you reach your full potential as a human being is equally important, if not more important to us. The question is how important is it to you? So keep on looking… Better yet. Start Booking.

How We

Transform You

Still want to know more. Great, I love your type. Here is my philosophy on how being a client here can truly transform your life for the better. First off, barbershops and beauty salons have always been a place of reflection, whether you are looking at your reflection in the mirror or reflecting on a situation or event. Our goal is to be hyper intentional about self transformation. Meaning when you book here(link to booking) you know you will do one of 2 things.. either deeply relax if you are already a hard worker and need to give yourself time to rest, or you are coming here to reflect or learn something. Which can be done via YouTube university on our 55in Oled Tv, or via your favorite podcast. We are holding space for you to do those things so feel free to get creative with this. We are evolving with you.

We also offer coaching(link about what coaching is) if you really feel stuck but need to get to the next level in life. Just imagine habit stacking your habit of getting a haircut which is a physical rejuvenation to mental rejuvenation. Even if it’s a longer drive for you listening to the podcast or audio book on your way to the barbershop can have a compound effect that will literally transform your life. This choice of being a client can literally alter your destiny because we hold you accountable to reaching your best self. That’s what we a call a win win.

Our Blog

Transform how i think